The projects, programmes and activities of the Foundation shall be in line with its aims and objectives as may be advised from time to time by the Advisory Board and approved by the Board of Trustees. It is envisaged that with availability of funds, and in collaboration and consultation with the relevant arms of Government at the State and federal levels, Local Government Councils and faith-based organisations and groups, the Foundation hopes to embark on the following in addition to other activities:
- Promotion of beneficiation (value addition) of our agricultural produce by establishing relevant food processing plants (with the associated value chain) in the different intermediate areas;
- Ensuring proper marketing arrangements that ensures that our farmers get good value for their labour;
- Promotion of livestock farming of improved species and strain, and the promotion of ranching;
- Promotion of tree planting, forestry and proper preservation and handling our forestry produce, and the environmental protection programmes;
- Promoting and facilitating the settlement pattern of our rural population ("Sortema") that will promote development and security;
- Promotion of cultural activities and festivals and sports to promote unity, talent discovery and deepening of our cultural and tradition;
- Promotion of Reorientation programme to ensure positive attitudinal change, revival of moral values of hosesty and hard word, fear of God and respect for elders, leaders and constituted authority;
- Support the revamping of the educational system in Tiv nation;